Kindergarten Worksheet
Dear Kindergarten Parent/Guardian:
Thank you for your interest in our school. We hope that you and your child are preparing for Kindergarten. Listed below are readiness skills to ease the transition to a school setting. Please review it with your child. We will assume that if we don’t hear from you on any of these points that your child will be able to perform these tasks and his/her behavior will meet our expectations.
1. Can your child answer the following questions?
a. What is your name? (First and Last)
b. What is your address?
c. What is your telephone number?
2. Does your child know the alphabet?
a. Can identify letters randomly?
b. Can identify upper and lower case letters?
3. Does your child know their numbers?
a. Can identify numbers from 1-10 randomly?
b. Can they count from 1-20 independently?
4. Does your child know their colors?
5. Does your child know their shapes:
a. Can they identify a circle, square, rectangle, and triangle?
b. Can they draw a square, triangle, plus sign, or straight line?
6. Does your child play well with others?
a. Does your child bite or hit?
b. Do they know how to resolve conflicts?
7. Can your child dress him/herself using buttons and zippers?
a. Tie and buckle shoes?
b. Take care of his/her bathroom needs by themselves?
8. Does your child know how to use...
a. Crayons and scissors?
b. A pencil to print his/her name?
9. Can your child...
a. Follow verbal directions?
b. Follow step-by-step directions?
10. Has your child had an opportunity to visit...
a. The zoo, the aquarium, public library story hours?
b. The playground?
11. Does someone read to your child daily? Does he/she watch Sesame Street and other quality children’s programming? Have you had the chance to...
a. Take your child for exploratory walks?
b. Take your child to the market so he/she can learn to identify numbers, letters, colors, shapes, etc.?
12. Does your child...
a. Get adequate sleep (at least 10 hours per night)?
b. Eat a well balanced diet?
c. Have good grooming habits?
Thank you for your interest in our school. We hope that you and your child are preparing for Kindergarten. Listed below are readiness skills to ease the transition to a school setting. Please review it with your child. We will assume that if we don’t hear from you on any of these points that your child will be able to perform these tasks and his/her behavior will meet our expectations.
1. Can your child answer the following questions?
a. What is your name? (First and Last)
b. What is your address?
c. What is your telephone number?
2. Does your child know the alphabet?
a. Can identify letters randomly?
b. Can identify upper and lower case letters?
3. Does your child know their numbers?
a. Can identify numbers from 1-10 randomly?
b. Can they count from 1-20 independently?
4. Does your child know their colors?
5. Does your child know their shapes:
a. Can they identify a circle, square, rectangle, and triangle?
b. Can they draw a square, triangle, plus sign, or straight line?
6. Does your child play well with others?
a. Does your child bite or hit?
b. Do they know how to resolve conflicts?
7. Can your child dress him/herself using buttons and zippers?
a. Tie and buckle shoes?
b. Take care of his/her bathroom needs by themselves?
8. Does your child know how to use...
a. Crayons and scissors?
b. A pencil to print his/her name?
9. Can your child...
a. Follow verbal directions?
b. Follow step-by-step directions?
10. Has your child had an opportunity to visit...
a. The zoo, the aquarium, public library story hours?
b. The playground?
11. Does someone read to your child daily? Does he/she watch Sesame Street and other quality children’s programming? Have you had the chance to...
a. Take your child for exploratory walks?
b. Take your child to the market so he/she can learn to identify numbers, letters, colors, shapes, etc.?
12. Does your child...
a. Get adequate sleep (at least 10 hours per night)?
b. Eat a well balanced diet?
c. Have good grooming habits?